Northeastern Policies and Legal Notices

Organization specific fields

Organizations have both an Admin Title and a Display Title. The Admin Title allows users to indicate where a given page should go. For example:

image of the input form for organizations

Tutoring is all that is displayed on the header image, but the admin title provided information that it needed to be part of the MLC view. All Organizations need to have a subtitle. It should be something to interest the reader to continue on the page.

The Organization Type can be Academic for offices which are directly related to academics, such as tutoring, Non-Academic for offices such as Admissions, Student which will display in the Student Club view or Team, which will display on the student activities view.

Contact Details will display on the left side of the screen under the navigation. Enter information if there is a common telephone number or group email for the office. Individual specific information will be displayed at the bottom of the screen via the directory content type. There is also a field which is a body text area that buttons or other content can be displayed.

The Hours field also allows not only a space to enter hours of operation, but also any additional information.

Contact Details and Hours will not display if there is no content.

If an office has its own social media accounts, they can be added in the Social Media block for TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter.