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Content types in Webform

The website has very robust capabilities for Webforms. Go to Structure/Webforms Create Webform.

There is a video link which can provide additional information about webforms in Drupal.

Available content types are:

  • Basic Elements
    • Checkbox - provides an element for a single checkbox
    • Hidden - provides an element for an HTML "hidden" input element (To provide notes to other editors - not viewable)
    • Textarea - provides an element for multiple lines of text
    • Text Field - provides an element for a single line of text
  • Advanced Elements
    • Autocomplete - provides a text field element with autocompletion
    • CAPTCHA - provides a form element which determines whether the user is human
    • CodeMirror - Provides a form element for editing code in a number of programming languages and markup.
    • Color - Provides a form element for choosing a color
    • Email - Provides a form element for entering an email address
    • Email Confirm - Provides a form element for double input of email addresses
    • Email Multiple - Provides a form element for multiple email addresses
    • Mapping - Provides a form element where source values can be mapped to destination values
    • Number - Provides a form element for numeric input, with special numeric validation
    • Range - Provides a form element for the input of a number with a specific range using a slider
    • Rating - Provides a form element to rate something using an attractive voting widget
    • Same as... - Provides a form element for syncing the value of two elements
    • Search - Provides a form element for entering a search phrase
    • Signature - Provides a form element to collect electronic signatures from users
    • Telephone - Provides a form element for entering a telephone number
    • Terms of Service - Provides a terms of service element
    • Text format - Provides a text format form element
    • URL - Provides a form element for input of a URL
    • Value - Provides a form element for storage of internal information
  • Composite Elements
    • Basic address - Provides a form element to collect address information (street, city, state, zip).
    • Advanced address - Provides advanced element for storing, validating and displaying international postal addresses.
    • Contact - Provides advanced element for storing, validating and displaying international postal addresses.
    • Custom composite - Provides a form element to create custom composites using a grid/table layout.
    • Link - Provides a form element to display a link
    • Location - Provides a form element to collect valid location information (address, longitude, latitude, geolocation) using Algolia Places. (Algolia Places is a subscription)
    • Name - Provides a form element to collect a person's full name.
    • Telephone advanced - Provides a form element to display a telephone number with type and extension.
  • Markup Elements
    • Advanced HTML/Text - Provides an element to render advanced HTML markup and processed text.
    • Basic HTML - Provides an element to render advanced HTML markup and processed text.
    • Horizontal rule - Provides a horizontal rule element.
    • Label - Provides an element for displaying the label for a form element.
    • Message - Provides an element to render custom, dismissable, inline status messages.
  • File upload elements
    • Audio file - Provides a form element for uploading and saving an audio file.
    • Document file - Provides a form element for uploading and saving a document.
    • File - Provides a form element for uploading and saving a file
    • Image file - Provides a form element for uploading and saving an image file.
    • Video file - Provides a form element for uploading and saving a video file.
  • Options Elements
    • Buttons - Provides a group of multiple buttons used for selecting a value.
    • Buttons other - Provides a group of multiple buttons used for selecting a value, with the ability to enter a custom value.
    • Checkboxes - Provides a form element for a set of checkboxes.
    • Checkboxes other - Provides a form element for a set of checkboxes, with the ability to enter a custom value.
    • Likert - Provides a form element where users can respond to multiple questions using a Likert scale.
    • Radios - Provides a form element for a set of radio buttons.
    • Radios other - Provides a form element for a set of radio buttons, with the ability to enter a custom value.
    • Select - Provides a form element for a drop-down menu or scrolling selection box.
    • Select other - Provides a form element for a drop-down menu or scrolling selection box, with the ability to enter a custom value.
    • Table select - Provides a form element for a table with radios or checkboxes in left column.
    • Tableselect sort - Provides a form element for a table with radios or checkboxes in left column that can be sorted.
    • Table sort - Provides a form element for a table of values that can be sorted.
  • Containers
    • Container - Provides an element that wraps child elements in a container.
    • Details - Provides an interactive element that a user can open and close.
    • Fieldset - Provides an element for a group of form elements.
    • Flexbox layout - Provides a flex(ible) box container used to layout elements in multiple columns.
    • Item - Provides a display-only form element with an optional title and description.
    • Section - Provides an element for a section/group of form elements.
  • Date/Time Elements
    • Date - Provides an element for a section/group of form elements.
    • Date/time - Provides a form element for date & time selection.
    • Date list - Provides a form element for date & time selection using select menus and text fields.
    • Time - Provides a form element for time selection.
  • Entity Reference Elements
    • Entity autocomplete - Provides a form element to select an entity reference using an autocompletion.
    • Entity checkboxes - Provides a form element to select multiple entity references using checkboxes.
    • Entity radios - Provides a form element to select a single entity reference using radio buttons.
    • Entity select - Provides a form element to select a single or multiple entity references using a select menu.
    • Term checkboxes - Provides a form element to select a single or multiple terms displayed as hierarchical tree or as breadcrumbs using checkboxes.
    • Term select - Provides a form element to select a single or multiple terms displayed as hierarchical tree or as breadcrumbs using a select menu.

Examples of many of these Element types are available here